How it works
Various solid metal propellants can be vapourised into a plasma and accelerated to ultra high velocity. This is referred to as a shot.

How it works
Operating at high frequency, these shots of plasma are passed through a high field magnetic chamber.
This accelerates and directs the plasma exhaust, producing market leading thrust with a highly competitive specific impulse.

Charge up, charge out
The Magdrive thruster uses a pulsed power system (PPS) to deliver a multi-kA, MW class electrical current pulse to the plasma injector
Customizable performance
Enables adjustable specific impulse and deep throttling for rendezvous, proximity operations, and precise maneuvering
Integrated microprocessor
Commanded through the satellite's master controls for an easy-to-integrate propulsion system
Storable metal propellant
Removes the need for heavy fuel tanks, cryogenics or pressurization, and eliminates handling hazards
Directional thrust
By altering its magnetic properties, a single thruster can vector up to 10˚ for main propulsion or attitude control